Sunday, January 24

Woodbury Castle - Woodpecker - 24th January 2016

After last week's cold, muddy trail... this week's was warm and muddy: indeed it was almost tropical thanks to El Nino.  Spocky made a sudden route change after thinking it was Joney's Cross (next week's trail), and Ménage parked the wrong side of the road.  As usual, Tampa was late, with Hole-in-1 and Blue Toe even later.
Woodpecker had lost all his morals by laying a trail with fish-hooks and a long-short, and offered the pack a list of "not rules", including permitting us to follow the front runners.

Parking at the view point, the pack headed back towards the road and then lots of slipping and sliding down steep slopes, through thorns, and round slippery and muddy corners.  Then back up and parallel to the road towards Four Firs, and the first of the fish-hooks.  Across the road, through the plantations towards and past the model aeroplane car park - then a bit of a long way round to the sweetie stop - where most were suffering from heat stroke by this point.
The long split took us up onto the Common,  back via the airfield, and across the scrub land towards the main track.  And after about three fish hooks, we were on the On Home.
Lots of fines today, including the late comers, fallers, Blue Toe and Wobbly Bitz for new shoes, and Emelda for being a year older - see below.
Rate the Hash is back again for 2016 so don't forget to award you scores - click here. Also, subs are now due - see here. Next week we're still on the Common, at Joney's Cross - click here for a map.